Andira Rahma Dewi infants aged 2 years and 10 months from one month this must lay weak in Restu Ibu Hospital, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

Even the couple's daughter and Nursiah Story should be in pain and tenderness. He was diagnosed with a rare disease physicians, Andira skin is peeling in parts of the body up to look black. Worst in all parts of the feet, hands, fingers and buttocks.

Baby girl born 21 September was only able to sleep on your back with hands terinfus. Body can not be moved because of illness. Moreover, his skin continued to peel off. The disease was originally from heat illness that occurred a month ago, beginning with the body parts turn blue.

"In the beginning the morning of June 17, his body heat and fever, then defecate out a black fluid, stinks. After an hour the blue forehead, an hour later his whole body blue. Then I take it to health centers in Dam said measles is then given the drug powder and eye drops, for fear of spreading to the eyes can be blind, and can be treated at home, "explained Ms. Andira, Nursiah (24) told reporters at the hospital on Thursday (07/14/2011).

Advanced Nursiah, 18:00 pm Ardira sekirapukul high added heat, then experience step and seizures, eye and skin arise inverted dark patches. Nursiah then took her daughter to Restu Ibu Hospital for immediate treatment. Despite having received treatment, the next day Ardira skin began to blister and peel.

"It's time I gave birth the midwife told the mother of this child I think there are heart abnormalities, as well as drinking the waters so carefully in the moist near do not care because his hands and feet were cold and he had injected three times (Ardira) at birth to either an injection of what I also do not know, because the doctor did not explain. Only two months drinking ation, "he said.

He admitted that kelahirnanya somewhat different from her sister. "But when I got pregnant the normal mediocre no abnormalities whatsoever. And since from birth to normal weight before the illness was not there to anehan. Just do from birth until now his hands and feet are always cold," he continued.

Nursiah said this during kelurga himself and never had a history of odd or rare diseases. If anything ill just coughs and colds. For the first time Nursiah see the condition of her child like that. His skin was peeling and the black, but after peeling and then grow again, like meat grows.

"The doctor said his name is Steven Johnson's disease. The doctor said it is a rare disease. Arguably the doctor to pray alone. But I will keep trying to heal my son. Because I'm sure my son will recover. I want my child as it used to mess around with his brother, but is instead lying 22 days here, "he said with teary eyes.

On the same occasion that dealing Andira dr Asti said, initially when entering the hospital suspected of having dengue fever, because the symptoms in his body and the body heat Andira including the results of laboratory blood tests.

"But it turns out after we observed here, this seems an unusual skin disease, and the exact cause is not known because it also addressed a number of specialist dermatologist, pediatrician, heart and nerves, a plastic surgeon. Because of this skin disorder that can strike the heart and brain as well, "he added.

In addition to the cause is unknown, including rare diseases. Doctors could not guarantee how long Andira survive. Because the disease attacks the body's tissues resulting in disability. Moreover, the disease is rarely found. Now Adira ditangai many specialists from the Hospital Restu Ibu Balikpapan.

Meanwhile, to finance the hospital, forced to mengadaikan Nursiah in-law's house. while the husband Nursiah, Hermansyah was a handyman worker. While the cost of treatment or medication that must be paid for one month from the treated reach Rp25 million.


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