Maybe some of you get bored after a marriage for years. Or you and your partner are very busy and could not spend time together, so the marriage was bland? Sheknows provide easy tips and short to preserve marriage for always beautiful with just five minutes.

1. Begin your day by chatting with her husband. Talk to your husband, as though he was the only person you love.

2. Kissing with "hot" like a new bride. Your wedding will be more perfect, if you take the time to kiss your husband with tenderness.

3. Take your time to cuddle in the morning. In fact, having s*x after you wake up is a potent drug to maintain a marriage.

Sexology expert Arlene Goldman reveals if the morning is the best time to do the husband-wife relationship. Because in the morning testosterone levels in men peak position.

4. Stop talking with using the word "I". Try to start every conversation with the word "we". This shows if you are concerned with the relationship and cooperation between families. Using these words also show you more interested in being with her husband.

5. Do not forget to thank the person who helped you. With the word "magic" that husband would be happy because they feel more appreciated.

6. Do not forget to joke with my husband. If you and your husband less expense, remember the days when you first married or dating. Taunts tenderly pampered and expense to make your wedding more colorful.

7. Attention to the husband, why not! As cool or "a macho" whatever your husband, still he needed attention. Although rarely say this, your husband sometimes feel the need "loved" by you. When he was in office, you can start sending sms while eating. same as you did when dating first.


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