Tel Aviv - Dementia is a disorder of brain function that is difficult to avoid when it started to get older. However, with herbal extracts of cinnamon, the process of decline of cognitive function in the brain can be slowed so that someone will not go senile.

Various studies have shown that the decline of brain function in people with Alzheimer's disease senile particularly triggered by a buildup of protein called beta amyloid. This protein coats the outside of nerve cells, thus making it not work.

According to recent research at Tel Aviv University, the buildup of beta amyloid could be inhibited by certain compounds in cinnamon are also known as herbal cinnamon. By the researchers, a compound that can inhibit this senile called CEppt.

A series of show trials, the granting of cinnamon herb regularly for 2 months could inhibit the decline of cognitive function. Examination of brain tissue showed no increase in beta-amyloid that accumulates in the brain.

"These findings may not only be useful in patients with Alzheimer's, but can also be developed for other disorders," said Michael Ovadia, who led the study as quoted by Xinhua on Friday (10/06/2011).

Although these results are very promising, but cautioned Ovadia cinnamon extract is not consumed in moderation as it can lead to liver and kidney dysfunction. The maximum dose is safe to be consumed on a regular basis is 10 grams / day.

Meanwhile, Alzheimer's is one of the disorders of cognitive function decline with the main symptoms of dementia and decline the power of reason. An estimated 18 million people worldwide have this disorder with the main cause is the age factor.


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