Increasingly sophisticated mobile phones, the more susceptible it is also a communication tool has been compromised malicious programs. Here are 6 quick tips that are mixed from eHow to ward off intruders or even the invasion of viruses that operate on handheld devices.
1. Phone = PC
The phone size is not as big as the PC. But in technology, the phone just as complicated as a PC. For that, try to treat the phone like a PC. Included in the affairs of maintaining security.
The first mobile phone virus Cabir was detected in 2004. After that there is a name that is ready Brador resetting your phone, Postcard that attack Nokia phones, and others. Later, the phone Android become the main target of the virus in cell phone makers.
Malicious programs on mobile phones continues to evolve. Indeed the changes and fierce assault that occurred was not a virus on your PC. But still warrant concern.
2. Avoid Source Unknown
As in the computer, do not download any software from sources / sites is not clear or are not trusted. Sense of alert also needs to be improved in terms of application sharing with strangers. Make sure your mobile phone operating system is always up to date.
Because usually, the update of an application will be equipped with the patches on a perforated slit in the application. Well, these holes are often exploited by cyber criminals.
3. Bluetooth
Bluetooth bak 'window' opens in the system of your device. When access is opened, then the outsiders can enter with ease. For that, better turn off the Bluetooth feature, and only activate if needed.
4. Selective Synchronization
Phone type smartphone today requires synchronization of action in order to connect with other devices. Not limited to handheld devices, synchronization is usually done with desktop computers and notebooks. This activity can also apparently become the entrance to cyberbugs.
But that does not mean you are not allowed to sync. It's just that, increase your alertness.
5. Backup
If considered the data in your mobile phone is very important, it could not hurt to take a step back. Let's just say prepare for the worst.
6. Use Antivirus?
A number of antivirus companies are now beginning to look smart phone as a target market. If you want more secure, there is no harm in using one of their products. If no was no problem, provided carefully.
To be sure, when running a security application, you must be diligent, industrious do updates. Because it's useless to use antivirus software without the update. Virus definition of an antivirus application that must be updated within a certain timeframe. This is to counterbalance the emergence of a row of new viruses that are ready to attack.
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I am using AVG Anti-virus for a number of years, and I'd recommend this solution to all of you.