Resulting in hair loss baldness is disastrous for everyone, especially men. Based on survey results, the threat of baldness in men is greater than with women.

Although, in reality there is no perfect solution to overcome the most of baldness, but this time have developed some decent therapy trying to cope with hair baldness.

Hair Implant

This method will make a bald-headed person can regain the crown in a short time. Planting strands of hair implants made ​​by strands have almost equal strength with real hair because it dealt with expert physicians and advanced technology supported.

Natural regeneration

In a study of cell regeneration in rats, by accident by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania found that hair follicles can participate regenerate. This opens an opportunity for scientists to make the type of artificial proteins to stimulate hair follicle growth.

But the process of research to be done is still very long before we can really get the hair that grows naturally in the skin of a bald head.

Hair Cloning

It is a therapy used to double the amount of hair follicles and healthy hair results are disseminated in the head which is usually faster bald or already bald. In this way the new hair may appear thicker and healthier.

Hair multiplication method is still in test phase and continue to be developed.

However, a company in the UK, Intercytex, which develops cell therapies for baldness, last year announced that the second phase of testing has been successfully implanted hair.

They predict this method can be used widely within the next five years.


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