Radiation computers and no good sitting posture that would add a long series of problems on the skin, making you look older appearance. So, how do I fix this?

Along with modernization, or laptop computer into the "soulmate" for anyone. Agenda is used not only related to the work activity surrounding the office alone, but also related to personal consumption. Linger in front of a computer with an unguarded position is very not healthy. In addition to reducing the beauty of the skin due to exposure to the screen that directly emit radiation, which is not good sitting position will lead the growth of the back muscles are less than perfect. It actually has become a phenomenon for the people especially women who are in front of the computer for hours. A British study conducted by British cosmetic surgeon Dr Michael Prager prove the same thing.

Sitting in front of your computer screen for hours will make the jaw slack because women often unwittingly sitting in one position for long periods. Not only that, linger in front of the computer also causes arising on the forehead wrinkles and wrinkles around the eyes. This is because when typing at the computer, their faces are too rigid and tend to change expression. Other symptoms, namely the neck become tense because of staring at the screen too long. To fix this, do the following a few tips, such as the released pages Idiva.

- Do not stare at the screen for too long.
- Try to take a break and move your neck muscles every half hour.
- Get up from your chair and leave a moment to take a walk in the area around the room and stretch the muscles to avoid stiffness.
- Adjust the body and the position of chair you sit down with use, thereby creating a comfortable position even if you linger in front of the computer.
- Move your shoulders in motion a regular interval.
- Try not to bend in front of the screen.
- Move your facial muscles if you feel have had the same expression for a long time.


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