For most people, hair dryer is simply a tool to dry the hair. But for this woman, the appliance is very important to be able to sleep soundly.

Lori Broady, (31 years) sleeping with hair dryer turned on her side. She can not sleep without a hair dryer since she was eight years old. Without a hair dryer, Broady pleaded not able to sleep comfortably.

Comfort that she obtained from a soft voice and the warmth it releases hairdryer. "It is something comfortable, secure, sound, air, everything," she said.

Habit of sleeping with hair dryer stems from her childhood of chaos. Broady grow up in families with 10 children. Sleeping with the hair dryer can muffle the noise of her siblings.

She pleaded not ashamed of that habit. But Broady alarming fire risk. Moreover, she had a daughter who is still small. She did not want their children to have the same habit. "That's not something I want for her. I do not want to happen to her," she said.

Lori Broady


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