Researchers from Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, found two types of proteins in frog skin, potentially as a cancer cure.

"Two types of proteins that can inhibit the growth of blood vessels once used to kill tumor cells," said Chris Shaw, leader of the research team, on Tuesday (06/07/2011), told BBC News.

According to Shaw, most tumor cells can only grow to a certain size before it requires blood vessel cells to grow into a tumor in order to deliver nutrients and oxygen are very important substances.

In the study, scientists catching frogs and retrieve the results of protein secretion on the skin, then release it back into the wild. Shaw says he is confident of nature have a solution for a variety of diseases faced by humans, "Just how to find it."

The study was awarded to medical breakthroughs in the Medical Futures Innovation Awards in London recently.

Frog Skin Containing the Tumor Killer


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