PRODUCT certain foods work as the most powerful fat burner or a reliable assistant in an effort to lose weight, and keeps the body trim as expected.

This research is not promising miracles, but there is no loss factor of various foods and drinks are delicious. Following list of disitat of Genius Beauty.

Black beans for weight loss

Black beans are rich in protein and fiber, the nutrients most nutritious, and contains no fat. But the dark colors show very high levels of flavonoids, which studies show has a big contribution to the decay of fat in the abdomen.

Pears to break the fat in the abdomen

A pear, even made in the form of juice, very low in calories and rich in fiber. To lose weight, you can eat a fruit before, lunch, and dinner.

In addition, a single fruit is also rich in catechins and flavonols. The second element is an antioxidant, and contributes to the destruction of stored fat in the abdominal area.

Popcorn also help lower the body weight

Although that sounds weird, but not the sweet popcorn and fresh-as well as help you lose weight. Because popcorn is a grain made from a wide elements such as wheat, buckwheat, millet or rice.

It will be very useful for the body, and health in general, if you eat any whole grain menu remove other menu consisting of white rice, white flour, semolina, and other processed products.

Boiled potatoes are ideal for lower body weight

Boiled potatoes in potato salad, if it contains no fat sour cream or mayonnaise-has a glycemic index in the potato element is much lower than the other.

Cooling of starch digestibility leads to transformation into flour stable fibers, so called not so easily digested. Fiber-cooled starch into soluble and crude, as in vegetables and fruits, and very useful for those who care for body weight.

In combination with vinegar based salad, boiled potatoes can stimulate the production of hormones that suppress appetite.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds also help to lower body weight despite the fact mentioned that sebagain element consists of fatty foods.

Fat they contain very helpful and polyunsaturated constituents. Paradoxically, prevent obesity and the accumulation of the addition of extra weight.

But the main and indispensable condition is, that nuts and seeds should be able to replace the cookies and candies, which are rich in saturated fat are not healthy.

Tea help lower weight

Tea is a famous slimming product that its effectiveness has been proved by a large number of scientific research.

Data of the most impressive is that fat cells absorb less than 70 percent fat from sipping tea. In addition, tea destroys existing fat in fat cells. Thus, one or two cups of tea at least five times a day, a very precise way to lose weight. Green tea and white tea is the way "most appropriate for slimming."

Apple cider vinegar burn fat

Apple Vinegar has been popular as a fairly radical way to lose weight. But do not be too fanatical to obsessed with vinegar that may be harmful to the stomach.

But you can simply use apple cider vinegar as a base for dressings and sauces. Acetic acid almost stimulates fat burning and prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.

Of course, it is difficult to achieve the desired results only by changing dietary patterns. Changes in nutrition will work far more effectively when accompanied with a new lifestyle in general, that more attention to yourself, more moves, and perform other physical activities are fun.


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