Dora - Patients with Blood SweatDora Indrianti Tri Murni (25), a woman who suffered a rare disease, which is sweating blood. Dora is a sixth semester student of the Faculty of Law, University of Bung Hatta, Padang, Indonesia. She had been treated for a strange disease that is characterized by discharge of blood in the pores head if she thinks too hard.

Needle IV still sticking in his right wrist, his face was pale. But Dora was so excited when invited to talk about their daily life, before suffering from this rare disease.

Without awkward, she tells all activities that once they do. Dora said they had to do various jobs such men become public transportation co-driver, a builder, until a security guard in PLTG Pauh, the city of Padang, to help her family life.

"I worked it since 2006, so how else should I pay for my sister who was in school," she said softly.

To undergo the heavy labor work, it was forced to hide her identity as a woman. Even while in college she always was like a man. "What should I do if our women can’t get jobs," she said.

As a result, with a hectic schedule in a day that Dora can only sleep for two hours, because that night she became a security guard at the power plant.

Unfortunately, now Dora's desire to work hard to be buried temporarily because it is bald-headed woman sentenced to suffer Trombopati disease. And Dora should be referred to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta because of the lack of hospital equipment in Padang.

According to Dr. Wahid Irzal, doctor neurologist M Djamil Hospital, Padang, Dora illness caused damage platelet function. "Every morning my head was bleeding like a sweat I do not know what disease I suffered," said Dora.


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