Bhavnagar, India, is not easy for anyone to accept the verdict HIV positive. No exception to the three young girls who are sisters, infection of the incurable virus that makes three suicides by poison insects.
Third Khadaliya poor girl from the village in the district of Bhavnagar, India who are infected Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is relatively very young, because the oldest was 16 years old. While the two respective sister was still aged 12 and 10 years.
Presumably these three sisters were killed by drinking poison insects on Friday (06/03/2011) night in despair with their health condition. Especially their mother also had died from complications of earlier HIV / AIDS a few years earlier.
"We are investigating whether their reckless action triggered by the negative stigma it has received," said JR, Zala, a local police official was quoted as saying of Timesofindia, Monday (06/06/2011).
According to Zala, the community around the victim’s residence does not overtly exclude the three girls with HIV-positive. However Zala admitted, a resident was rather keep my distance so this is the third victim allegedly made to feel inferior.
In addition there is a history of infecting HIV-positive family members, the three alleged victims also experience frustration with economic conditions. The only remaining family member and also infected with HIV, which his father was a poor farmer.
Not only in India, the negative stigma is another form of suffering in people with HIV worldwide. Many people think that HIV is a virus dirty, sort of punishment for those who have deviant behavior such as casual sex and taking drugs.
Though numerous studies prove, the highest level of HIV transmission actually occurs in the mother to the child in her womb through the placenta. Even in some cases, HIV transmission occurs through blood transfusions from infected donors.
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