Twitter to Buy Domain Re-tweet.comThe term 'retweet' as long as it's been so synonymous with Twitter. However, after confirming the position, microblogging site that are now becoming the owner of the site named

No mention is how much money should be spent by Twitter to get the site. To be sure, Twitter gain ownership of its domain from someone named David Quinlan on June 13, 2011.

In addition, quoted from Techcrunch on Thursday (16/06/2011), a few months ago, the site sold at auction Flippa a price only $ 150.

"The owner of this site ( offer to provide the domain, and we now have to manage it as part of a routine strategy to protect our trademark. So there are no plans to rule the world by," clearly the Twitter.

Site 140 characters true had tried so long to get recognition trademark for the word 'retweet' from U.S. authorities. But unfortunately, until now these hopes have not been realized.

Additionally, Twitter, which has a base in San Francisco, United States, also touted still hoping to be able to master the site.

Twitter is a microblogging site that provides facilities to its users throughout the chirping of 140 characters. This site was established on March 21, 2006 with funding of about USD 360 million. Its founder is Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone and Evan Williams.


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